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In 1997, La Central de Cooperativas Cafetaleras de Honduras (La Central) emerged as a second-degree cooperative integration body. It brings together producers organized in first-degree cooperatives. It currently represents around 3,371 producers who live in 11 of the 18 departments of the country, organized into 86 cooperatives. Of these cooperatives, 51 are currently active with the organization and 11 more are in the process of formation. The Central has a percentage of 27% of women in its membership and within the governing bodies it has a representation of 30% including positions such as the vice presidency of the Board of Directors, which demonstrates the commitment of the organization with the equitable participation of women.

General purpose

Restructuring and control by the producing sector of the coffee institutions, specifically the Honduran Coffee Institute (IHCAFE) and the National Coffee Fund (FCN).


Elimination of Domestic Consumption, a law that forced producers to subsidize, at a price below the international market, the raw material needed to produce the roasted and ground coffee consumed in the country.


Facilitate direct coffee export mechanisms and contribute to improving its quality; supporting small and medium producers and producers, organized in cooperatives, in the processes of production, marketing and industrialization of coffee.


Build a country where equity and human solidarity prevail and thus eliminate the injustices that for years have subjected Hondurans to situations of extreme poverty and social inequality.


Once control was obtained by the producer sector of the organizations that regulate and regulate the next issue on the advocacy agenda was the formulation and approval of the national coffee policy.


Then, in 2002, within the framework of the “Trade with Justice” campaign, the campaign for the approval and application of a National Coffee Policy was designed and executed in order to guide the development of the country's coffee growing sector. The campaign with the slogan “No coffee, no tomorrow” was successful not only in terms of political lobbying results but also with high technical quality and effectiveness in terms of communication.


As a result of the political situation, the objective of the campaign was redefined towards the approval of the Financial Reactivation Law of the Coffee Producing Sector (the Trust), which was achieved in October 2003. The approval of the coffee policy was finally achieved in May 2006, In May 2007, the Trust was modified to turn it into a long-term instrument that allows financing the renovation activities of the coffee park, severely affected by the crisis, and the diversification of the sector.


The Central, in addition to the activities it develops for the benefit of its affiliated cooperatives and Honduran coffee growing in general, has been, since 2014, the exclusive distributor for Honduras of the line of plant nutrition products called ERGO, unique in the world that are formulated using nano-biotechnology with Carbon 12, which contributes to amend and condition soils and generate a better absorption of nutrients by plants, which results in increases in the production of all types of crops. The program includes a product to apply to the soil together with the fertilizers normally used by the producer and two foliar fertilizers, as a nutritional supplement.

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National Coffee Fund 2020


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